5/8/24: Summer is creeping closer day by day and im stressed honestly. I'm happy I don't have to deal with my obnoxious fucking roommate anymore, but some of my best friends are moving for the summer. I'm not really looking forward to things changing at all, but what choice do I have? I really need to talk to a counselor, but I find it so hard to. I am just mentally exhausted. I am grateful for my real friends though, I just had to experience some tough situations to realize which people in my life were fake.

4/29/24: Lately I've just been feeling this deep rooted unhappiness with myself, like everyday I feel like I just wasted all of my time. Anything I do still isn't good enough for myself, and yet I feel like there's a brick wall of anxiety and fear that walls me in from the rest of the world. So I am always dissatisfied, but I can't do anything to make that go away. I feel like a disappointment to my family. Even something as fun as updating this website has become something of a chore, lately, I feel like it's never good enough, and I am always worried of other's judgement. It sucks. I guess at this point I'm hoping my medication will make me feel better.